Branding Sessions

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer | Trend Event Rentals

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Creative, Co., Seattle Product Photographer

January 12, 2022

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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Sometimes you hire a brand photographer because you need photos of yourself, and other times you hire a brand photographer because you really need great photos of things

I absolutely loved working with Mary of Trend Event Rentals to get some amazing product photos of her rental collections!

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product PhotographerSeattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

Way back in the summer of 2020, I was sitting on the couch on a Saturday just watching TV, having a boring day, when my phone rang. It was a local event stylist I had worked with before, and she was setting up a backyard movie night for a sweet 16 birthday party. I think the conversation went something like this: “OH MY GOSH JENN! I have this amazing party happening and my dear friend is starting this rental business and she has some stuff here. What are you doing? Can you come to take some photos??” 

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

Normally, my answer would have been OH MY GOSH! That’s so last minute! But, because it was literally down the street from my house and it was a beautiful summer day, I decided to make the trek down there. And guess what? It was the best decision because that’s where I met Mary!Woman sitting drinking coffee- the cup reads persevere

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

Sometimes in life, you say yes to those things that bring you joy. I am so glad that I said yes that Saturday because Mary of Trend Event Rentals is an amazing person to work with and she is such a glowing light!

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

Mary was just starting her rental business when we met.  Mary knew that she needed photos not only of herself, but photos of the amazing parties where her rentals were being used, and photos of her inventory. Her clients needed to be able to see exactly what they’d be getting by working with her!!

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product PhotographerSeattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

For her product photos, Mary knew that background to be clean. This would allow the photos to draw attention to her pieces in a showcase-like manner. Ultimately, we decided that the storage unit loading zone was the perfect place to take these product photos for Mary! You know, that little garage-looking thing when you get to your storage unit? Yeah. We took it OVER. Can I just tell you that this was no small task! It took transporting 6 different sofas, 8 different sets of sitting chairs, and countless tables and accessories – WHEW! Let me tell you, what a workout! But just look at the results. I love the consistency across all of Mary’s photos, and the ease of use of the location (minus the heavy lifting!). Whenever Mary gets new inventory, we set up another shoot at the same exact spot to make sure that all of the photos on her inventory page are branded and consistent!

Seattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product PhotographerSeattle Personal Brand Photographer, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Product Photographer

Looking for more inspiration for your brand session? Check out some product shots here!

If you’re not already working with me, and you’re thinking YES! I need someone to help me through this process, I would love to chat! JMCC is not booking Full and Half Day Branding Sessions, as well as memberships and coaching options. Want to learn a little more? Check out my services!

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