Branding Sessions

Seattle Brand Session | Valentine’s Themed Content

Seattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand Session, Valentine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand Photographer

February 18, 2022

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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A Seattle Brand Session with Valentine’s Themed Content?! Yes, please!

February is probably the weirdest month of the year

It’s the month where the magic of the holidays is WAY in the rearview mirror. The thrill of a New Year is gone, and it’s still freaking winter. 

I don’t know about you, but I would 100% be okay with skipping February and March and heading directly into April right about now!

However, when it comes to your blog, February doesn’t take a break! And we get to celebrate Valentine’s day with my favorite lifestyle blogger Ann Marie on the Shore. These photos almost make me okay with keeping February around, almost!

For those of you who are new here, Ann Marie is a lifestyle blogger that works with me on monthly sessions! Her content is ever-changing and focused on keeping up with the latest. So creating some awesome content is super important for her brand! 

Seattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand PhotographerSeattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand Photographer

This month, since Ann Marie scheduled her session the first week of February, we had time to sneak in some sweet Valentine-themed shots. She wanted to feature the CUTEST top and a recipe for some super easy sweet treats. Which, I said I would try, bought all the ingredients to make them, and they’re still just hanging out in the kitchen. But it’s the thought, right??

Seattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand PhotographerSeattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand Photographer

Following the “can we get February over with?” trend, Ann Marie is skipping out on the rest of winter by going on vacation. (LUCKY HER!) So we made sure to get some shots to help hype up her vacation and get everyone dreaming about spring! Queue all the pretty flowers and spring dresses!

Seattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand PhotographerSeattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand Photographer

Alas, even though we were inside dreaming of warmer weather, we couldn’t escape the snow that seems to stick around literally forever, in order to get some sporty shots in her end-of-winter-wear. A HUGE part of Ann Marie’s brand is her family, and for her, that means being a sports mom! I don’t know how she does it during football and basketball season. I’m convinced that she is 100% supernatural. I loved how we combined the coat she wanted to highlight with her “basketball mom life” photos to make sure that the shots were multi-purpose so that she could use them in a variety of ways (YESSS!!!)

Seattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand PhotographerSeattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand PhotographerSeattle Brand Session | Jenn Marie Creative Co.Seattle Brand Session, Valetine Themed Content, Jenn Marie Creative Co., Seattle Brand Photographer

Enjoy friends! And as always, be the best you and remember you don’t have to be serious to be taken seriously. Have some fun and live your best business owner’s life! And call me when you’re ready to document it all!

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