
Announcing Jenn Marie Creative Co.

Jenn Marie Creative Co, Seattle Branding Studio, Seattle Branding Photography & Video

March 11, 2022

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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I want to welcome you all to Jenn Marie Creative, Co.! Your new go-to for Brand Photography, Brand Videography, AND Creative Business Coaching! 

Jenn Marie Creative Co, Seattle Branding Studio, Seattle Branding Photography & Video

It’s officially official!! After 7 years, we’re saying goodbye to Jenn Marie Photography! But don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere just yet. I’ll explain more below!

When I first started my business in 2015, I had a dream and a camera (I mean, I know. How cliché can I get, right?)… but do you know what else I had? A newborn! Oh, and there’s so much more. My wife was deployed, so that left me physically alone. At the time, we were living in our first home in Virginia and I was determined not to go back to my teaching job. 

Have  I set the scene for you yet? Imagine me, sitting at a dining room table, throwing together the jankiest website that literally ever existed (I wish I were joking!) With no experience and only about a million sub-par pictures of my baby, who, by the way, is getting into everything and anything while I try to work. I had no business plan, no idea how to use my camera to its full capabilities, and absolutely NO clue how to start getting paid for what I do. Instagram was newish, so I started a profile for my baby business, along with a Facebook group. With the Facebook group being long since retired.

Jenn Marie Creative Co, Seattle Branding Studio, Seattle Branding Photography & Video

Fast forward almost 7 years, and here I am with a thriving business. I swear I got here through my sheer determination and by absorbing every piece of knowledge and information that I could get my hands on.

Jenn Marie Photography was born at our home’s cozy little dining room table. Over time, it slowly grew and evolved. Going from family photography to wedding photography to branding photography. That business pushed me and challenged me in ways that I never thought I could survive until I ended up here. 

I’m so excited for the new challenges and adventures coming up for this business that was built from our dining room table! So, without any more rambling, here’s what’s you can expect from the Jenn Marie Creative, Co.!

Jenn Marie Creative Co, Seattle Branding Studio, Seattle Branding Photography & Video

1) New Offerings

The name isn’t the only thing that’s getting an upgrade here! Changing the name of my business after 7 years was hard but necessary. I wanted to drop the word “photography” from my brand name because as of now, that is only a small part of what we offer!

Along with continuing our custom, tailored brand photography experiences & memberships for creative business owners, we’ve added BRAND VIDEOGRAPHY and CREATIVE BUSINESS COACHING

Jenn Marie Creative Co, Seattle Branding Studio, Seattle Branding Photography & Video

2) New Team

I really wanted to make sure that Jenn Marie Creative, Co. was opening opportunities to other women in business, and that meant having more than just me running things behind the scenes. Since welcoming Ashley this year, I knew it was essential that the new name was a reflection of everyone who was now on the team!

Jenn Marie Creative Co, Seattle Branding Studio, Seattle Branding Photography & Video

3) New Location

The new location might be the most significant announcement of all!

Our family moves around a TON with my wife being in the Navy! It’s what brought us from Virginia to Illinois. Now her career is what will take us to the PNW, where I will continue to serve other business owners in the same capacity as VA & IL. Although house hunting in the PNW has not been without its challenges! (check out my IG stories for my funny takes!) We are looking forward to all that the majestic PNW has to offer!

Thank you all so much for being a part of this little community I’ve been building. Thank you for supporting me and following along on this journey! And a super special thank you to Lisa Kay Creative Photography for understanding my vision and capturing all of the amazing brand photos that you see here!

I can’t wait to see what comes next for us friend!


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