Branding Sessions

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest | Ann Marie on The Shore

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Creative, Co., Ann Marie on The Shore

November 29, 2021

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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Thinking about elevating your Lake Forest business with personal brand photography? Take a look inside this holiday-themed photoshoot for Ann Marie On The Shore!

Curious to see how we made brought this holiday-themed personal brand photoshoot to life for Ann Marie On The Shore? Scroll down to have a look!

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Photography, Ann Marie on The Shore

As a personal brand photographer, I am passionate about empowering women to elevate their business through relevant on-brand photos. That means meeting with my monthly & quarterly clients to be their go-to girl for sharing their message through fresh on-brand photos. Creating personal brand photography for your Lake Forest business on a quarterly or monthly basis allows you to keep your photos up to date with what’s going on in your business while conveying the message to your current and potential clients. Plus! You’ll never have to worry about what to post on social media again and you can stop the cycle of rinsing and repeating the same handful of photos!

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Photography, Ann Marie on The Shore

A great way of keeping your photos on-brand and relevant is by using props!

Props are an essential part of keeping your photos up to date. With this holiday-themed shoot for Ann Marie On The Shore, we focused on sweet treats and creating evergreen photos (more on the importance of evergreen photos in an upcoming post!). Almost anything can be used as a prop for your personal brand photoshoot!

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Photography, Ann Marie on The ShorePersonal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Photography, Ann Marie on The Shore

Props are a great way to incorporate your personality into your brand photos and add movement to your photos. Props give you something to do with your hands during your shoot which makes you feel more comfortable when posing and less focused on the camera or worried about how you look. It’s an easy way to settle your nerves while showing off what you do in your business. I love capturing the essence of what my clients do in their business by acting it out through props! Do you need two quick tips on how to choose props for your personal brand photography? First, make sure that you are selecting props that incorporate your brand colors! Second, have a go-to selection of everyday items ready that can be used as props. Think: laptops, mugs, magazines, yoga mats, and more!

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Photography, Ann Marie on The Shore

Want to schedule a free personal brand photography consultation for your Lake Forest business while you’re here? Drop your name & email in this form, or to view even more of my work, find me on Instagram @jenn_mariephotography!

Personal Brand Photography Lake Forest, Jenn Marie Photography, Ann Marie on The Shore

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  1. […] tend to get a bit more vibrant). PS: If you want to check out Ann Maries Holiday photos you can see them here! For non-holiday shoots, we choose outfits, props, and locations that lend well to the colors in […]

  2. […] photography! Want to check out some more holiday-themed brand photography while you’re here? Click here for sweet treats & pretty presents with Ann Marie On The […]

  3. […] you can be a business owner and still have fun! You can see more of Anne Marie on The Shore’s holiday-themed photoshoot here, or you can find her on the web […]

  4. […] sessions! Her content is ever-changing and focused on keeping up with the latest. So creating some awesome content is super important for her […]

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