
Setting your 2022 Business Goals

November 19, 2021

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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2022 is going to be a big year for you. I can feel it! A successful year always starts with a GOAL, and I’ve got just what you need! Here’s your guide to setting your 2022 business goals.


Read this blog along with my FREE Setting Your Intention E-Book!

We’re going to dive into everything you need to jumpstart the new year:

Why should you be setting 2022 business goals?

As business owners, and often times solo-preneurs, it can be really hard to keep ourselves accountable. When we set your 2022 business goals, it helps us stick to the path and reach for that success.

Goal setting is also an amazing way to keep yourself from getting bogged down throughout the year. We all know what happens as a business owner… we have extreme highs and extreme lows. One minute we feel like we can conquer the world, the next we’re throwing our hands up and ready to lock the doors.

When you have goals, though, you’re able to celebrate each and every milestone and keep that confidence up every step of the way! Imagine that you’re having one of those days where the imposter syndrome is setting in and you’re doubting everything, and then BAM, you reach a small goal that you set for yourself. The impact that can have on your mentality is EVERYTHING!

Let’s Get Started with Setting Your 2022 Business Goals!


Starting with a reflection on 2021 is the best launching point.. Normally, I’m not a huge journal-er, but at the end of the year I like to look back and write about the thiings that happened in my business, the goals I achieved, the ones I didn’t, and WHY I didn’t.

This will help you visualize any learning opportunities you had and adjustments that you made throughout the year. Once you have your year laid out for you, you’ll be able to see where you’ve been so you can better see where you want to go!

2. Goal Dump

Now we’re going to DREAM BIG and think about all of the things you want to accomplish in 2022. I’m going to challenge you to not hold yourself back and to write EVERYTHING that you want to come to fruition in the upcoming year. No goal is too small. No goal is too big.

Sometimes, when we’re just brain dumping ideas, things come out that wee never even expected; things that maybe you didn’t even know that you wanted to achieve!

Don’t rush this step. It might take you an hour, it might take you a week, and that’s okay! Just make sure to be 100% honest with yourself and don’t overthink it.

3. Prioritize

Now that you’ve written all of your dreams down, we’re ready to get to the nitty gritty and identify your priorities for 2022!

Take your goals and rank them or sort them in a way that makes sense to you. I personally like to write each goal on a post-it note so that I can move them around as needed, but you can do anything from making lists, numbering them, grouping them, etc.

This is a great opportunity to start narrowing down what you really want to focus on.

Are there any goals that you can group together into one? Are there any goals that are similar? Are there any goals that contradict each other?

If you want to go even deeper into identifying which goals will have the biggest impact on your business, you can use a SWOT analysis to help identify your client’s pain points, what they love, and your opportunities for growth.

4. Timeline

I’m so proud of you. You’ve done the hard work, and you have a REALLY GREAT group of business goals that you want to accomplish in 2022!! WOOHOO!

Now, we need to set a timeline for your goals. You can do this a few different ways, but I prefer to put them into five categories:

Year Long

Quarter One

Quarter Two

Quarter Three

Quarter Four

During this process, I want you to remember that your timeline is just a guideline, and to not take it as something that is set in stone. This will only make you crazy! Be flexible with yourself throughout the year, and if something doesn’t work out, or you need more time, just make adjustments.

5. Final Pass

Look over your year. How do you feel about your goals? Do you have enough? Too many? Did you challenge yourself to grow?

Ask yourself these questions before you finalize your 2022 business goals:

  • Was I specific enough when setting my goals? Are they clear and narrow enough?
  • Will I be able to measure whether I have achieved these goals? How will I know?
  • Are my goals achievable in the time I have set out for them? What steps will I need to take to achieve them?
  • Do my quarterly goals align with my overall goal for 2022? Do they align with my long-term business goals?
  • When do I want to achieve each goal by? Is there a specific month? Week?

Now it’s time to write down your business goals for 2022! Make them pretty. Put them on your wall. Keep them in your sights all year long so that you can stay motivated!

I’m so excited for you to start off the new year with your intentions set and your mind clear! You can do this, and if you need any help along the way, you know I’m alway here for you, whether you need a cheer leader or someone to share a celebratory drink with, I’m your girl! I can’t wait to see all of your successes this year!


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