5 Props to bring to your Personal Branding Photoshoot!
Nothing makes a brand session MORE interesting than the right props! In today’s world, being in business isn’t all about BUSINESS, it’s about connection and authenticity. When it comes to your brand session, using props that are special to you, your personality, and your brand identity will elevate your photos and make people stop and look!
Here are the top 5 props to bring to your personal branding photoshoot!
1) Tools of the Trade
What are your tools of the trade? This doesn’t just mean the obvious tools, like your camera if you’re a photographer or your paints if you’re an artist. Think a little more narrow, get specific! The more that you can teach your audience about what you do, the more they’ll be intrigued! For your branding photos, bring out the little details like the specific socks that you use in your barre studio or the tape measure that you tote around everywhere when you’re scouting locations as a wedding planner! These make great conversation starters!
Instagram Caption Ideas for Tools of The Trade Photos:
- Ever wonder why I carry this around with me everywhere I go?
- What’s the one thing that you can’t live without at work? For me it’s….
- On today’s episode of “what does that thing do”
2) Technology
iPhones, laptops, desktops, tablets, OH MY! If you use anything that charges, bring it! Not only will they give more interest to your branding photos, but it also give you something to do with your hands during your session. We can recreate a client call or even a photo of you “posting to Instagram”! Technology based photos are highly relatable in our digital world and a definite must on my list of props to bring to your personal branding photoshoot. Let’s give your audience and your potential clients a behind the scenes glimpse of how you work with technology in your business on a daily basis!
Instagram Caption Ideas for Technology Photos:
- Happy Monday! Wanna guess how many emails I have in my inbox today?
- What are your favorite podcasts?
- Who should I be following on TikTok RIGHT NOW?
- Do you ever get sucked into social media and next thing you know it’s been 4 hours of your life just GONE?
3) paper things
Books, planners, notecards… you name it, and we can make it into usable content during your branding session! I will tell you that surprisingly enough, books are my number one prop that people bring to their branding sessions! I love it, too, because they are SO versatile and we can use them in so many different ways!
Instagram Caption Ideas for Paper Things Branding Photos:
- Are you a paper planner or Google Calendar kind of girl?
- It’s time to plan out the week! What do you have going on?
- I love connecting with my clients through more than just phone calls and emails… sending a little handwritten note…
- What books have you read lately? Here are my top 5!
4) Your Favorite Beverage
I know what you’re thinking ‘ugh the coffee cup thing has been done to death“! And yeah maybe it has, but the problem does not rest solely with the coffee cup. It’s all about positioning and action! I love giving my clients action items to do with their hands during their session for a few reasons. One, it takes away the nervousness of being in front of the camera. And two, it captures the organic movement of you doing the thing. Bring that coffee, wine, or even a good cocktail! If you enjoy it, we should showcase it! Drinks make really great props for your brand photos. You can hold them, sip them, refill them, cheers them… and I’m telling you, nothing brings your audience together in unity like a good cup of coffee or a margarita!
Instagram Caption Ideas for Beverage Photos:
- Red or white?
- We are CELEBRATING over here! Today we…
- Are you one of those people who drinks iced coffee all year round? Because me too.
- I tell myself every morning that I’m going to drink all my water.
- How many coffee cups is TOO many coffee cups? Asking for a friend.
5) things that show off your personality!
Maybe you don’t have a super cute pink Italian car to ride around in during your shoot (hey we can dream right?!) but I’m sure there is something in your reach, maybe even that you touch everyday, that you can use to show off more of you during your personal branding photoshoot! Like I said before, you’re going to connect with your audience most when you show a little bit about yourself and what makes you unique! If you love skateboarding or scuba diving or DIY home decor, even if they don’t directly relate to your business, these photos are gold! People are dying to know you, so why not give them a chance with your brand photos?! You should never feel like you need to hide parts of your personality or quirks during your personal branding photoshoot!
Instagram Caption Ideas for Photos that Show Off Your Personality:
- This one is going to be WAY more specific to the actual photo, but you can:
- Use them as a way to introduce yourself
- Bring back Monday Introductions (does anyone else remember when that was a thing?)
- Talk about a recent adventure you had
- Literally talk about anything that happened in your business with the photo as a backdrop. It will make sense, I promise!
Need even more prop ideas for your personal branding photoshoot? Click here to read my list of 100 prop ideas!!!
Ready to showcase your business with a Seattle Personal Branding Photoshoot?
Fill out the form above and I’ll be in touch!
Or, you can read more about my personal brand photography experience, here!
[…] how to get started on choosing props for your personal branding session? Check out my 5 Props to Bring to Your Personal Branding Photoshoot blog post! Or my free list of 100 props to bring to your brand […]
[…] photoshoot is where you can go against your natural tendencies and push out of your box! Shoes, bags, hats, glasses, scarves, belts, jewelry! These are all things that will add more depth and interest to […]
[…] photoshoot is where you can go against your natural tendencies and push out of your box! Shoes, bags, hats, glasses, scarves, belts, jewelry! These are all things that will add more depth and interest to […]