Branding Sessions

When should I hire a Brand Photographer?

Illinois brand photographer

July 19, 2021

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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Are you having a hard time posting consistently on social media? Do you see a disconnect between your website and your other platforms? Are you planning to introduce something new? 


If you’re asking yourself “When should I hire a brand photographer?” and you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place!  

Illinois brand photographer

Photo Credit: Lisa Kay Photography


Over my many years as a wedding photographer, I got SO many emails from other wedding pros asking if they could use the photos I took for their websites and social media. At first I didn’t really think too much about it, but as time went on I came to realize that there was a HUGE hole that they needed filled, and PHOTOS were the thing to fill it! The problem was, these photos weren’t BRAND images… they were just great shots. The issue here? The images didn’t speak to the BRAND itself. They weren’t highlighting the amazing things that specific business had to offer their clients. They didn’t need that couple’s photos. 


What they really needed was to hire a brand photographer that would tailor their images to their specific business, showcase their amazing work, and make sure their future clients saw the blood, sweat, and tears that went into that final product. 


Are you ready for a truth bomb? 


Chances are that no one is going to hire you just because you show them a pretty photo of a [insert your final product or service here]. 


Now, I’m in no way saying that your final product is not PHENOMENAL! Because you are a legend, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. BUT, are you a legend because you deliver a pretty bouquet of flowers or know how to set an amazing table? Most likely not. 


You are a legend because of YOU. The work that you put in. The care you put into each detail. The way that you hug your clients when you see them. The conversations you have with them that aren’t about your work at all because you’re genuinely interested in the things you have in common. 



I think sometimes in business we forget that we’re all human. 


Okay Jenn. I get it. I’m awesome. What does this have to do with hiring a brand photographer? 




I want you to think of the top 3 reasons your clients hire you. Go ahead, take a minute! 


Your list might look something like this:

  1. Because I take really good photos
  2. Because I’m super personable
  3. Because I make people feel comfortable in front of the camera


Illinois brand photographer

Photo Credit: Yeri Photo


**TIP: If you’re having trouble with this exercise, head over to your reviews that you’ve gotten from clients. What did they say they loved about you?**


Now, I want you to look through the photos that you have at your disposal that represent your brand and categorize them using these top three things. 


How many photos do you have for each one? Are there any photos that don’t fit a category at all? Are there any categories with NO photos? 


Chances are if you’ve never hired a brand photographer, you have a good amount of photos showcasing things like number 1 (great photos), but not a ton of imagery that tells your client the REAL REASONS they should hire you instead of someone else. 




Illinois brand photographer


When you’re a solo-preneur, you aren’t selling a single product or service, you are selling YOU! Now, that doesn’t mean you have to have your face plastered all over kingdom come, but it does mean that your ideal clients are looking for those tiny little nuances that set you apart from your competition. When you hire a brand photographer, you’re not just getting pretty photos. You’re getting on-brand, story-telling images that are relatable to your clients, unforgettable, and drive home what you are really selling!


So, when should you hire a brand photographer?


Here are my top ten reasons that you may want to give me a call  😉


  1. You’re working on a new website
  2. You’re website needs a new facelift
  3. You want to have on-brand, story telling images across multiple platforms (website, social media, email marketing, print marketing, etc.)
  4. You’re consistently pulling from the same 10-15 images each and every time 
  5. You want to drive home how your service or business is unique, but you’re stuck with images that are forgettable
  6. You’re planning for future launches (podcasts, a new service, a new team member, etc) and are in need of fresh, on-brand, attention grabbing imagery
  7. You’re looking to make your brand more relatable
  8. You’re tired of using your iphone for your professional photos
  9. It’s been a hot minute since you updated photos of yourself doing business
  10. Your top three reasons clients hire you are NOT represented in your photos


If you answered YES to any one of these questions, then it is TIME TO CHAT YOU AMAZING HUMAN! I am so excited to hear more about you and what makes you special so that we can take those photos, make them unforgettable, and literally lure in your ideal clients with each and every photo! 

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