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The Jenn Marie Creative, Co. Blog

A little bit of pretty photos sprinkled into a ton of education, some tips and tricks, and random things that I think can help make your business the best it can be! 

Seattle brand photographer
the latest

Why you should join your local Chamber of Commerce

How joining the chamber of commerce can help you when starting your business! It’s not secret that I’ve moved my business quite a few times. Being a navy wife, I often find myself starting my business over in brand new markets that are all SO different. BUT, one thing that they all have in common […]

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i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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Gimme that

2022 is going to be a big year for you. I can feel it! A successful year always starts with a GOAL, and I’ve got just what you need! Here’s your guide to setting your 2022 business goals.   Read this blog along with my FREE Setting Your Intention E-Book!  We’re going to dive […]

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Preparing for the holiday season

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time to prepare your business and get that content ready! Check out my 5 tips to prepare your business content for the holiday season! The Holiday Season will be on us in NO TIME, and for many brands, that means that your work/life balance is going to be […]

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Illinois brand photographer

Are you having a hard time posting consistently on social media? Do you see a disconnect between your website and your other platforms? Are you planning to introduce something new?    If you’re asking yourself “When should I hire a brand photographer?” and you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the […]

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various pictures of women in business

Headshots or Branding Sessions? If you’re reading those two things and you have no CLUE what the difference is, you’ve come to the right place! I’m here to give you the facts and help you make the BEST decision for your business!   A few weeks ago I got a call from a potential new […]

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what i can do for you

the jmc services

I'm here to help. If you're ready to uplevel your business, I've got you! 

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social media resources

Stick around because I'm compiling the BEST social media resources for you and your business.

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Your dream clients are out there, just waiting to be shown what you have to offer.

You're running a business. Maybe you're a mom, maybe you have another full time career. Either way, your brand should be working for you. Let me show you how fresh, story-telling imagery will have your dream clients knocking down the door without you lifting a finger.

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