
Business Coach for Photographers | Jenn Marie Photography

Business Coaching for Photographers, Jenn Marie Creative, Co., Seattle Personal Branding Photographer

February 11, 2022

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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When I first started my business, I was just a girl with a dream, a newborn, and a really cheap camera. Fast forward to today, and here I am having fun, running a successful business, and becoming a business coach for photographers!

There is no way I would have gotten to where I am without the guidance, insight, and friendship of the other photographers I’ve met along the way! Having a photography coach for my own business literally helped me build my confidence and get the affirmation I needed to make those hard decisions. It also taught me the literal ins and outs of running a business.

Business Coaching for Photographers, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Personal Branding Photographer

Being new to the photography world can be really intimidating. I still remember the first time I went to a local meetup for photographers. I was SO excited to finally get a day away, completely to myself (no mom duties!) to work with other photographers. It was such an awesome moment for me until I actually arrived at the meetup. While most of the people there were nice, sometimes photographers can have an uncomfortable air of superiority in certain situations. And boy oh boy did I feel that energy as soon as I walked in! It was one of the most uncomfortable times I can remember in my business. I knew then, that these types of meetups were just not for me.

That’s when I decided to hire a coach, and I haven’t looked back since! 

The very first coach I worked with was within a small group coaching program. She taught us everything we needed to know about running a business, handling accounting & finances, posing, editing… seriously, the world was our oyster! The lessons that I learned in this group were SO valuable, and I still carry a lot of them with me to this day. 

I know what you’re thinking… that’s really great that you hired a coach when you were just starting out! But I’m sure you don’t have one now, right?! WRONG FRIEND! 

I have a coach as we speak, and there have been VERY few moments in my business that I didn’t work one on one with a coach. I learned quickly the value of investing in a coach. Coaches are there to guide you, to push you, and to be an ear for you. 

Business Coaching for Photographers, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Personal Branding Photographer

A lot of times in the photography world, we are an island. Working alone, wearing every hat that exists, with no one to be our sounding board. 

I don’t think I will EVER be without a coach of my own, and here are my top three reasons why! 

1) Having a coach means that you’re never really alone on your island

While you still HAVE your island, your coach is always just a boat ride away waiting to offer you that encouragement or helping hand. It makes running a business JUST a little less lonely, which is huge!

2) Your coach has already walked in your shoes.

They get it. They’ve already done the “hindsight is 20/20” thing and can offer SUCH valuable experience to what you’re already navigating.

3) Coaches are your built-in cheerleaders

They are your motivators and your reason-seekers. No matter the situation, a coach is there to give you what they see you need at that very moment.

Hello, my name is Jenn and I’m a business coach for photographers!

Business Coaching for Photographers, Jenn Marie Photography, Seattle Personal Branding Photographer

If you’re reading this and have been thinking about hiring a coach for your photography business, I would LOVE to set up a chat with you to see if we’re a good fit!

My business coach sessions for photographers are exclusively one-on-one so you’ll never have to worry about your voice being lost in a group coaching setting, or not being able to ask those hard-hitting questions.

I meet with my one on one clients either virtually, or in person. And you can expect that your session will be guided by your specific needs as a photographer and business owner!

What will you get when I become your coach?

  • Bi-weekly coaching calls via Zoom
  • Unlimited access to me via Voxer (because we all know those questions pop at any moment!)
  • Access to all of my behind-the-scenes custom-crafted workflows and automation (hey there busy parents!)
  • A custom, tailored coaching experience that fills in the gaps for you on your journey to your arrival destination

Making the decision to hire a business coach means that you’ll get organized, set and attain those goals of yours, and gain a fresh perspective on your industry from a business owner who has already defined their own success.

Let’s get started, friend! I can’t wait to meet you!

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