
Reels + Video Creation

reels creation jenn marie brand photography

September 7, 2021

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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Reels and Video Creation is a huge part of marketing your business these days, but it can definitely be overwhelming! Let me help you!



If you’re like so many other business owners who have been around for awhile, Reels and Video creation might be a bit overwhelming.

Where do you start?

How do you even do it? 

What do you post?


These are all questions that I get on a daily basis! 


As many of my clients will tell you, I’m not just a photographer. 


I have been a lover of social media since Myspace (I know… I’m aging myself), but it wasn’t until I started my own business that I really saw the benefits from a marketing standpoint. When I started my business in 2015, I knew that I needed a way to market myself. There was just one little problem… I HAD NO MONEY! I mean, I was a new mom with a camera and a goal. So, I decided to go the free route and start my very first Instagram account. 


Fast forward to 2021 and I am still using social media as my NUMBER ONE marketing tool, and that includes posting Reels and Videos. In fact, I’ve been using video on my feed for several years, and let me tell you a secret: Videos have historically ALWAYS done better than static photo posts on Social Media. It’s true! 


Let me make one thing clear though: photos aren’t going anywhere. They are still VITAL for your online presence. Social media platforms moving towards video content ABSOLUTELY does not mean that they are abandoning the imagery that you work so hard for. We’re not talking about throwing photos out the window, just switching up our social media marketing strategy a bit. Instead of posting 7 images in a week, maybe you’re posting 3 images, 3 reels, and a IGTV or a Facebook Live! 


Did I lose you there? 


Don’t worry. That’s what I’m here for. Not only am I able to create static content for your website and social media, but I can help you plan out, film, and create a myriad of video content, from Reels to commercial length work! 


Need help getting your reels done for the month? I’m your girl. Looking for a website header video? I got you! Wanting to do an IGTV video and need help planning out the content? Let’s do it!


 What we can create:


Instagram Reels (planning + filming)

IGTV (planning + filming)

Instagram/Facebook Ad Videos (planning + filming)

YouTube video (planning + filming)


Reels + Video Jenn Marie Brand Photography



I would love to get to know your business and talk about how Reels + Video creation might help you and your business!

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