
Full Branding Session

Jenn Marie Photography Full Branding Sessions

September 7, 2021

i’m jenn.
An ADHD millennial  with a love for sharing everything I've learned about being a business owner, a photographer, and a work from home mom.
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Chances are that if you’ve found yourself here, you know that you need some sort of Branding Session. But, is a Full Branding Session the way to go?

Jenn Marie Brand Photography 821-123

Let me ask you this:


Are you having a hard time posting consistently on social media? 

Do you see a disconnect between your website and your other platforms? 

Are you planning to introduce something new? 


If you answered YES to any of these questions, then a full branding session may be JUST what you need to THRIVE in this next phase of your business life. The images that you get from a full branding session can really help your business in SO many ways! 


Here are my top ten reasons that you may want to consider having a full branding session:


  • You’re working on a new website
  • You’re website needs a new facelift
  • You want to have on-brand, story telling images across multiple platforms (website, social media, email marketing, print marketing, etc.)
  • You’re consistently pulling from the same 10-15 images each and every time 
  • You want to drive home how your service or business is unique, but you’re stuck with images that are forgettable
  • You’re planning for future launches (podcasts, a new service, a new team member, etc) and are in need of fresh, on-brand, attention grabbing imagery
  • You’re looking to make your brand more relatable
  • You’re tired of using your iphone for your professional photos
  • It’s been a hot minute since you updated photos of yourself doing business
  • Your top three reasons clients hire you are NOT represented in your photos


These days, there are a million different ways that people come in contact with your business: in person, print ads, website, blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin, Pinterest, etc. I know, this list of places that you should be showing your brand’s face can be OVERWHELMING! But, when a potential client is “cyber stalking” your business, they’re more than likely going to go to more than one of these platforms, and I’m telling you my friend that CONSISTENCY IS KEY! Showing your clients the same vibe, similar content, and amplifying the same message through your imagery can not only help guide your potential clients where you want them to go, but also build brand awareness, trust, and help you look like the professional boss that YOU ARE!


This is where a full branding session comes in! With one session, you’ll get a brand specific cache of images to use consistently across all of your online platforms and print materials.


What’s included in a full branding session:


3 hour session

Full digital online gallery (minimum 45 images)

Initial Brand Discovery Consultation

Branding Session Planning Guide

Pinterest Mood Board

Pre-Session Meeting

2-3 Locations


Full Branding Session Pricing


I would love to get to know your business and talk about what type of Branding Session is right for you! 


I would love to get to know your business and talk about how Brand Memberships might help you and your business!

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